"Gombos Consulting, in a word, reliable. Kate has proven to be consistent and prompt in service since our initial consultation three years ago. Our Website, redesigned and hosted by Gombos Consulting, continues to be an invaluable tool for building our business."

Charlotte Lester, Executive Director
Dance Theatre of Lynchburg

Security. Virtually anyone today will tell you this is their biggest concern about internet communication and commerce.

That's why we host a private network. Not only is our server collocated in a secure data center, but we also provide SonicWall and Barracuda anti-spam firewalls, two of the industry's most powerful tools available to keep out unwanted materials. This is the same careful way we at Gombos trust our own business information. That means, we'll do no less for yours.

That's just the beginning of our commitment.

We know that the moment your e-mail or Website becomes unavailable, you are effectively "out of business." Time lost is never recovered. Gombos provides on-call personal service, which means that you never wait longer than necessary to get back to business. Plus, when you call on us, you get an owner/stakeholder in the company, and not an hourly technician, to assist you.

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